Friday, December 30, 2011

Leaving for now, follow me on tumblr:)

Bye-bye blogspot (but don´t cry), follow me here:

Hope ya´re all doing good! And hope to see you around on my new page;)

(I´ll not delete this one yet, I might be back here, who really knows;)

Saturday, December 17, 2011


"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

"Heaven is filled with perfect peace. This world is filled with unbelief and disorder. We will always reflect the nature of the world we are most aware of"

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christ for the masses

"When Jesus died on the cross He defeated the devil forever and then Jesus took back ALL authority! Therefore I am not afraid of the anti-Christ, he is afraid of me. People want to run around worrying about the secret plan the devil has for the planet. While God has a plan to take over the world also and He published His plan in the best selling book of all times. He doesn't have to keep His plan a secret because He is all powerful and can't be stopped. His plan is Christ for the masses (Christmas)...time to get happy...ho ho ho" - Kris Vallotton

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Can´t express my love for You!

Still, I know that you love me more than a billion times more!

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

My God! You´re good!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Follow me

"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6

Monday, October 17, 2011

"If you want the peace that passes understanding, you have to give up your right to understand" Bill Johnson

Peace and presence... surround me... just messes me up... make me wanna love every person in this whole world... especially my enemies... it´s just beyond understanding... it´s just so sweet, so deep, so complete... and yet there is always more... there´s always more... I could weep and laugh all day long just out of thankfulness, but at the same time always be aware of that there is more... Oh, Lord... let me dwell in Your beautiful, wonderful and sweet, sweet presence... let Your fire, glory and power fall... 

Encountering God sometimes feels like this... oh, so good and precious...

M O R E  O F  Y O U ! !

Friday, October 7, 2011

Princes and princesses

"When you forget who you are and whose you are, you start to compromise" Kris Vallotton

"This is the true mentality of a prince and princess. They spend more time raising up people around them rather than worrying about their own significance." Kris Vallotton


Og hvordan oppfører ekte prinser og prinsesser seg? De tar seg av folk, de ønsker Ã¥ løfte dem opp til Ã¥ føle seg verdsatt, de vet hvem de er og har ikke behov for Ã¥ tenke nedsettende om andre. De vet de har verdi. De er ikke overfladiske og selvopptatte, men ønsker Ã¥ tjene landet sitt, dvs. tjene menneskene rundt. Og de vet hvem som er deres Far, Kongen. De vet hvem som har sendt dem ut i verden. Kongen. De vet det er deres oppgave Ã¥ representere Kongeriket, og ikke minst sin Far. Prinser og prinsesser tar verden med storm gjennom Pappa Gud´s kjærlighet!

God bless :)

free, Free, FREE!

"Your mind can be a battle field and we need to take our thoughts captive and let the truth of who God says we are saturate us" – DLK

Sunday, October 2, 2011


‎"Men are known on earth by the information they share, but they're known in Heaven by the secrets they keep." Bob Jones