"Heaven is filled with perfect peace. This world is filled with unbelief and disorder. We will always reflect the nature of the world we are most aware of"
"When Jesus died on the cross He defeated the devil forever and then Jesus took back ALL authority! Therefore I am not afraid of the anti-Christ, he is afraid of me. People want to run around worrying about the secret plan the devil has for the planet. While God has a plan to take over the world also and He published His plan in the best selling book of all times. He doesn't have to keep His plan a secret because He is all powerful and can't be stopped. His plan is Christ for the masses (Christmas)...time to get happy...ho ho ho" - Kris Vallotton
Still, I know that you love me more than a billion times more!
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16